Friday 4 October 2013

An ego booster for those who tolerate US! ;)

Let us first observe a minute of silence for those of us who could not survive their exams.

And for those who did, we are back with a new post! :D
Okay so this one, as the title suggests, is about those sweethearts in our lives that stick to us and we stick to them like leeches. Highlighting the place and importance of best friends in our lives, to be precise. :P
Go grab him/her and enjoy reading on. ;)
You must have heard/read "Best friends are the siblings God forgot to gave us." Put a bit of a thought into it and we would say, thanks heavens our best friends are NOT our siblings, because siblings are just a pain in the ass. Yeah, you wish you lived with your best friend, but those of us who do have siblings would definitely cringe on the idea of best friends being our siblings. Don't worry this is not going to turn into a sibling bashing session, although we could do it with all our hearts, but lets save that for another day or lets say another post maybe. ;P
Coming back to best friends, these are those angels sent on earth to keep you sane. And grounded. And crazy. And happy. And to tolerate you. And your pointless dramas. And mood swings. And attitude. And Ishtupidity.
You know, that one guy/girl friend you can spend hours with. Laughing, gossiping, talking sense, non-sense, not talking, and neither of you gets bored, the only thing that matters is their company. People you don't have to make efforts with, such in-compulsive and fulfilling relationship you share with them. This person knows how to make you smile even while your siting there, crying rivers.
This person is like that basket full of chocolates. Like imagine a whole lot of them, so many that they could last for a lifetime. Or imagine video games for boys. Or anything else you love THAT much. You obviously get the drift.

And we're not going to stuff any crap about forgetting/ignoring such people, because that's really not an option here. We are talking about that one person you love with all your heart and its literally impossible for your mind to skip them.
You are because your best friend is.
No life event is complete without you narrating the whole story to your best friend. This person is so well versed with even those moments of your life that they haven't spent with you. It almost feels like they were by your side the whole time. And you don't even need to let that person know your reactions or emotions in any situation. H/she is called your best friend for a reason. H/she knows what goes up there in your head in every situation and scenario.

The friendship you share with your best friend is the most selfless kind of friendship you ever have. Its not like one of you handles/ tolerates the other person's tantrums/ rudeness because you're the "goody goody" friend or you value the relationship that much. I mean yes you obviously value the relationship but the fact that you understand the person that much is what makes it work. You don't blindly tolerate bullshit from them for the sake of the relationship, its just that you can anticipate their state of mind in almost every situation, this makes you stay by their side.
You simply refuse to leave them all by themselves.
And well of course, these people rarely treat you to such torturous behavior, but when they do, you have all the reasons in the world to stay calm and console them And Also even if in the deepest of your hearts you know that the other person will stick by you in your times of need, this assumption is not what drives your mind while you decide to stand by that person.

And to be clear, through this post we do not mean to outcast your better halves. You need both, friendship and love, to complete you. Both of them hold equally special places in your heart. You can't do without either of them. Choosing between them is like choosing between your left and right hand. (Yeah the reference could not get any more bland, but we couldn't come up with anything better. ;_; )
And the biggest perk is when your best friend turns out to be the love of your life. ;)

And we could go on and on about these sweet little souls. Haan haan these souls are more devil than sweet, but you still love them and will continue to do so forever.

So that's all for know!
This is the soul sisters signing off.
Hope you enjoyed.
New posts every Friday! :)
Keep reading, keep smiling. :)