Thursday 24 October 2013

Shades of Women People Don't Seem to Acknowledge -_-

Women are the most misunderstood species on earth. There are just so many stereotypes around women formed by men who had exactly no clue about the female psyche and what goes inside a girl’s head. And maybe this guy never got his way with women. Sweet Revenge!
And out of a really long list, one of our personal favorites is the tag ‘Drama Queen’. Like seriously ?  -_-
Yes, we understand there are girls who act like they are a Meena Kumari’s kin, but generalizing this tag isn't justice to the rest of us. And we for a fact seem to know many such ‘Kings’ instead of ‘Queens’. This overreacting and drama and crap are NOT just a girl thing. Kindly get that inside your head!
This myth has been developed keeping in mind the people who are just madly in love with limelight, the people who like to hog attention whenever & however they can and not for people like us who try to avoid conversation or even eye contact under all circumstances. :P

And that shitloads of knowledge people seem to possess about girls and periods. PMS is another seriously misunderstood concept. Yes, we hate our periods, we are uncomfortable, and we get sad, mad, curious, anxious and a lot many other things. But we just don’t magically turn into irritated beasts, overreacting on anything and everything. We still have our minds in the right place, you know. Instead of getting mad during our periods, we could get much more irritated when a certain behavior of ours is termed as PMS. -_- You do not posses the right to judge us unless you have blood oozing out of your genitals too. -_-
We've all read jokes on how the only parameter a guy has to fulfill is to be rich. What if this rich guy looks like this ?
                                                      Datta Phuge wearing solid gold shirt
FYI, we’re not trying to convey that even the LOOKS are the only parameter. Even if the guy looks like Tom Cruise, has the body of Hrithik Roshan, he could still be a high-headed and insensitive snob. And all that glitter might vanish as soon as he opens his mouth. You get the drift, right?

Girls are not just gold-diggers or after looks, what we look for in a man is Character & Substance.
Ok, let’s be practical, appearance matters too, but its way down on our checklist for Mr. Right. We’d any day go for a guy who respects us and our individuality rather than a guy who’ll shower us with gifts and treat us like dirt. Similarly, we’d prefer a guy who has average looks but is witty and intelligent over a really hot guy who throws at us statements like, “oh, I lifted really heavy things in the gym today!!”.  Well, what you should have lifted is a book, mister.

That being said, let’s make it very clear, we don’t go all “Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..” on everything. Not all of us are as cheesy & lovey-dovey as people think. There’s a huge difference between cute and creepily cheesy.

And EMOTIONS, how can we forget them. Yes, we’re emotional but we are definitely not THAT much into feelings as we are shown to be. It might come as a shock for some of the guys reading this, but we do run away from our feelings too. Yes. We’re over thinkers but we live with the fear of being judged the moment we give in to our feelings.

The whole idea here is to throw some light on the shades of women that people don’t seem to acknowledge (Read: The title, you genius!). People don’t seem to look beyond the image which has been embedded in their minds. We are not saying that all girls are exactly like what we described here, but the point we’re trying to get across is that not all girls are the way the jokes on social networking sites describe them to be. These jokes are merely the brain child of forever alone guys, who never had much interaction with the other gender other than his mother. :P

Someday we might have a post about myths surrounding guys, because we truly believe in equality. Do write to us the points you think we missed and your feedback.

This is the soul Sisters signing off.

Keep Reading. Keep Smiling. J

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