Thursday 10 October 2013

A Toast To Not-So-Silent Sulkers.

You meet new people and sometimes these new people we are talking about turn out to be real pessimists and negative about anything & everything on the face of earth. They seem to suck the happiness out of your life too. And from our first-hand experience, we advise you to stay away from such people as soon as you feel all the positivity draining out from you. To be very clear we do not mean to offend people who are going through a really bad time in their lives, instead we feel that they need all the support from their friends and family.
But the people we loath, are the ones who tend to spread negativity whenever & wherever they go. We understand life has been hard for you, but so has it been for the rest of us. And there are people who fight every day with a smile on their faces and mind you, these struggles are sometimes way bigger than your petty issues. Your need for sympathy is justified but there is just no plausible justification for you sulking and cribbing 24x7. You don’t need to punish the whole world just because you are going through a rough patch. Here we’d like to add that there is a very thin line between sharing your problems and venting out your frustration with the people you are very close to AND cribbing about every figment of your God forsaken existence to anybody & everybody.
We shudder thinking about the plight of people who have such people as their boyfriends or girlfriends. Even worse if you end up marrying them. Having a life partner like this limits your thought process to thinking of ways to cheer your spouse up and that too to no end. And this this ultimately starts to eat up the relationship because all your time is spent in wondering what you did wrong to land the other person in such a hideous mood.
Even as friends, we initially sympathize with the person, interpreting their behavior as just a phase that will ultimately pass. But later do we get to know that this habit of sulking is a dominant feature of their personality & general behavior. And the moment you figure this out you need to start drawing away, because these people will turn out to be leeches gnawing your mind, sucking your happiness and peace of mind out.
If you had somebody in your mind while reading this post, run as far away as you possibly can from this person, and if not then either you are extremely lucky or maybe this post is about you and in that case our advice for you is to get professional help ASAP! ;)

This is the Soul Sisters signing off.

Keep Reading. Keep Smiling. J


  1. Ummm....
    I hope I don't need tht professional help

    P.s- u do realise that only pathetic people land up with even more pathetic people!
    Karma still exists!
    Keep writing like this Avni!


    1. I dnt think u need professional least not right now !! :P
      karma does exist..i second that..
      and thanks for the appreciation..:D
