Friday 18 October 2013

Annoying Ways People Type.

Just so you know, this not an extension to our first post.This has nothing to do with grammar, tenses or speaking skills.
What follows is a list of annoying people/ things over the internet.

Lets begin with clearing this very famous misconception that a " :)" face after EVERYFUCKINGTHING makes it polite. Sorry bro, it does not. It usually gives us an impression that you're a lunatic.
Tanvi : Seriously if someone keeps texting me with a " :) " face at the end of everything, it will do nothing but creep me out. I used to know someone ( and I'm glad I used to know him) who'd be like

Him : Hi! :)
Me : Hey :)
Him : How are you? :)
Me : Fine. Wbu ?
Him : Good, so whatsup? :)
Me (in my mind) : Your time baby, its over. -.-

This is how we imagine you during the whole conversation.

Trust us having a conversation like that is not polite. Its scary. Very scary.
To make things clearer, " You're a slut. :) " Now does that seem polite to you?

Avni : Okay yes the use of emoticons is very important, but to an extent, high time people register that in their heads.
For instance I know a person who does not believe in using any smileys at all in a not-so-serious conversation. When I receive a text with no emoticons, my mind automatically assumes that there is something grave being discussed here or you are suffering from facial paralysis  and thus have no emotions to spare.
When we converse with somebody over the internet or text messages, in our heads we imagine a real conversation in person, and when we get a emoticon-less text, this is you in our head.


And the post stays incomplete without the mention of the infamous "K".
We wonder how do people's conscience allow them to reply with a "k" to paragraphs full of messages.
I mean I spent so long to type a message and you have the audacity to reply me with a "K.' ? That too with a period at the end of it ? *Raised eyebrow*. Friendship over. You killed it right there with your own fingers.
And mind you "k"  "k." "k!"  "K"  "K." K!" "kkkk..." all signify different levels of rudeness and stupidity.

Oh and how can we forget all those cool people "wHo tYp3 LyK D!s".
Our faith in humanity plummets a bit every time we see something like "Mah lyf maah ruhlzzz!" Or "Aai luv yehw." People like these deserve a round of applause. On their cheeks.
The whole idea of abbreviations is to make words shorter. There's absolutely no problem in writing "you" as "u" but "you" as "yew", "my" as "mah" or "Nice" as "nahice" will NOT make you look cool. You've been mislead.
There's also this insane species of people who think CAPS LOCK is irreversible or they fell in love with and haven't been able to come out of it at all. -_-
It feels like someone's shouting at us in the face. Grow up people.

And there are a lot more things that can be included here. Write in to us telling us about things you find annoying or things you'd like us to post about.

This is the Souls Sisters signing off.
Keep reading, Keep smiling! :)


  1. ha ha ha ha
    never going to text you with a smiley
    cause i don't want to look like the girl in the first pic

    1. Hahaha. :P
      You obviously know what I'm talking about. :P
