Friday 16 August 2013

Happiness comes in small packages! :)

Everybody out there is trying to find the key to happiness, whereas it lies within us. Positive thinking is what helps in developing a positive outlook towards life. If your mindset itself is depressed & gloomy then reading self help books, motivational quotes or anything else for that matter is not going to help.
Turning into saints is never going to be a solution for removing negativity from your wretched life.
Just like this post is not going to help if this goes on like this, its turning out to be completely different from what we'd imagined it to be. It is supposed to be about those blissful little moments that give you a feeling of fulfillment, but often go unnoticed.
So sticking to that, we're not going to treat you to anymore bullshit about positive thinking and all that jazz.
Our mantra is to find happiness in small triumphs in our monotonous & nothing-more-than average lives. Lets just make it clear, Happiness won't come and find you, you have to go look for it and embrace it. And you're going to find it in those small little things you don't put much weight on or tend to take for granted.
Like somebody who's not a very close acquaintance to you, does something polite for you. Now doesn't THAT bring a smile to your face ? :)
Or for instance something that makes the both of us really happy, is being the reason of happiness for someone we really admire. The joy you get out of looking at their smiling face and knowing that you're the reason behind it is incomparable. O:)
Imagine that feeling you get while having those long deep conversations with someone you connect very well to.
Or looking at old pictures and reliving those frozen moments, having those silent long strolls with someone who means a lot to you, having those nostalgic insane laughs, sitting with someone you've known for the better part of your life and recollecting all the bitter and sweet memories you share with them.
That "someone" being anyone from your parents to your better half.
 You're smiling, aren't you? :D
That's exactly the point, things like these that make you forget other things and fill you with immense happiness, these deserve much more importance.

Something that EVERYBODY can relate to is that aroma of wet earth when the first raindrops touch the ground or cuddling with that soft toy that's been your best friend when you had nobody to talk to & needed somebody to cry your eyes out with. Amazing isn't it?
And that feeling when you're sorting your stuff out (Now I know that's VERY rare, but it does happen :P ) and you find your old little creations or notebooks scribbled with all those FLAMES and hearts with the names of those stupid little crushes & numerous games of cross and knots, played when the lecture got boring. Priceless. :')

So the bottom line is that these are the simplest of things that make those lips curve into a beautiful smile and those eyes twinkle with joy.
And that's what makes us the happiest, making a difference to anybody reading this, however small or big it may be. :)

You just need to shift your focus on the brighter side of life and then there's nothing that can stop you from being happy and content.

Write in to us telling us about things that make you happy.
This is the soul sisters(recently turned into spiritual gurus :P) signing off!
New post every Friday! :)
Keep reading, keep smiling! :)

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