Thursday 8 August 2013

Good English Is The New Sexy ! (Who am I kidding, it was always classy! ;))

Avni: Poor English is like THE biggest put off !!
Tanvi: Exactly ! I would judge a person, grammar being the first parameter.
I’d be like 'you know how to use tenses; you have a good command over English?  Jackpot! I already love the half of you.'
Avni: That is SO true… One of my worst nightmares is somebody approaching me & saying “I am love you too much.”

Okay so we were going through Reader’s Digest the other day and came across this amazing article about common mistakes people tend to make while speaking English & some of the most irritating errors.
And it got us into this conversation and hence this new post! :D

We are going to start with the most annoying and basic errors that people make.
What tops the list is the use of ‘THE’ after every possible word midst a sentence.
People be like “We went to see the Susy at the club the yesterday.”
Like how difficult is it to understand the use of ‘The’??? :O
The next thing that could be entitled as most irritating is, confusing ‘than’ with ‘then’.
How?! How do people even manage to get confused between the two?
‘Then’ is used for time dimension whereas ‘than’ is used for comparison.
Also there’s a HUGE difference between ‘you’re’ & ‘your’.

The next most bugging error that people make is using ‘did’ with past tense.
For example, “Why didn't you met me yesterday ?”
Well for starters get your grammar right, and then maybe I’ll think about meeting you mister.
‘Did’ & past tense are like the nerds and fun of English. You just can’t have the two of them together.

What comes next is the use of words with the same meaning TOGETHER in a sentence.
It is such a ‘Blunder Mistake’ you know ! ;P
Now, something that irritates me to no extent is the excessive use of ‘Actually’, ‘Basically’ & ‘As in’ anywhere and everywhere in a sentence.
“Basically it’s like very annoying, as in really very annoying.”
You see ?  -_-
Some people really need to go back to school & learn the basics because ‘hairs’ & ‘putted/cutted’ do not belong to the English dictionary.
The plural of hair is hair & the past tense of put/cut is put/cut. High time people learn this!

Speak Hindi if you aren't fluent in English, that’s perfectly fine. But don’t murder people with statements like “She’s in his backside.” When you actually mean “She’s behind him.”.
The point here is not to glorify people with impeccable English or show down the one’s who aren't fluent in the language. These days, it has become more of a prestige issue for people to use English in their daily life, but the focus should be on using the language correctly, and by language we mean ANY language on the face of earth.
We personally feel good command over English or having knowledge as to what is the correct way to use it, portrays confidence. Good English is flattering, trust us. *wink*

There are many such errors that make us cringe, but that’s all for now. Maybe we’d have a second part to this post someday.
Do tell us your experiences with stupid grammatical errors in the comments section below.
This is the Soul Sisters (Grammar Nazis ;D ) signing off.
New posts every Friday.

 Keep Reading. Keep Smiling. :)