Thursday 14 August 2014

The Key To Successful Blogging!

Blogging is no rocket science and you can easily start off a blog at any of the available platforms. But here we are talking about the perfection aspect so we thought you might need some expert advice. *wink wink*

Follow these simple steps and you are ready!
  • Decide what you really want to write about. Jot down certain no. of possible posts you can think of related to your choice.
  • Decide a regular interval at which you are gonna write.
Well both these points might seem like the stepping stone for the blog but really these things only have secondary importance, because at the end of the day you are only gonna write about what & when it feels good to you.
  • Moving on, think of a suitable title for the blog. This is THE most time consuming shit in the whole process. Spend a fair amount of time on this, because however many times you change it, you're pretty much gonna stick to your first choice.
  • The next thing that we're gonna tell you is byfar the most important step. Draft your introductory post. This is where the 1st and the 2nd points play an important role. You have to make some false promises about the content and frequency of your posts. ( And then as we said earlier you can post about anything at any point of time)  
You may also add stuff about how you don't intend to target/ offend anybody and these are your own views and then you can continue doing that peacefully.
  • After these basic things are done you can start blogging. Things will be okay for a month or so, but after that when you are not able to post too frequently, use phrases like "personal issues" "exam stress" "burden of studies/workplace". Never admit that you're a lazy ass & were procrastinating.
  • Now comes the time when you finally sit down, finally in the mood to do something productive for the blog you started with such enthusiasm, like write a new post. Now if you write the blog alone, you are in luck , because when you'll be sitting there, just staring at your notebook, with the legendary I-don't have-a-clue-what-i-am-doing expression on your face, you can still fool people and say you are meditating. But my dear friends if you write your blog with somebody, somebody who's writing style you are comfortable with (Read;Best friends), and you have a topic in your heads and you discuss it, and you just have so many ideas and the moment you decide to put it on a paper, the series of "ummmm.." and "uhhmm.." and long silences start. 
And well now you know the secret to successful blogging and also why we don't post regularly!
Happy Blogging folks! We sincerely hope that you do NOT get inspired by this post and start your own blog and take away our bread and butter.

And this is the Soul Sisters signing off.

New posts every Friday! (YES! we promise to keep our promise this time)

Keep Reading. Keep Smiling. :) 

P.S.-Don't think the irony of the title OR this post is lost on us :P

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