Thursday 1 May 2014

An Open Letter To The "Cool" Brigade! -_-

We fail to understand the people who just cannot let go of the excitement about new things, and there is a special place in hell for people who do not seem to come out of the mentality of a 6th grader. And by that we mean the kids who’ve just learnt and found the freedom to use cuss words. They swear and curse on EVERY fucking thing (pun intended :3 :P). The best part- these kids think it brings down their cool quotient if by any chance they forget to include a swear word in their sentence!

Ok ok, we agree, everybody has that phase when it’s all new; new to being an adolescent and it is completely normal to be drawn towards anything that makes us look and feel like an adult, things which make us look “cool” in front of our friends. There is an average period for which this fad could be dragged on and that can be anywhere between 2 months to 1 year at max, depending on one’s level of maturity. But if you are so much into cursing and swearing on everything in this world, then we’ll pray for you, my friend, coz you have serious shit going on up there!  -_-

It is perfectly fine to vent out your frustration through verbal abuses in the proximity of your friends (if you are lucky enough to identify the real ones! K), it is atleast way better than beating the shit out of the person who has done the heinous crime of offending you. And we are of the view that a 15 year old has enough sense to know when and where to use what kind of language.

Some girls have taken this mission of portraying themselves as “Bold” a little too far.
For example, this was an answer by a girl on

Like seriously?
That is what a 9th grader should be posting on a social networking site?

Something went fundamentally wrong with your education, Miss!
Just as we said before, it is ok to curse in order to express your aggression. There have been situations where we’d felt the need to relieve ourselves of the frustration by cursing, but we’ve always been vary of our surroundings and the company.

It is rightly said, that the first thing a stranger notices in you, is the way you’ve dressed.
But but but, it what’s the use if it all vanishes into thin air, the second you open your mouth?
Its like, the other person can see right in front of his eyes, your brought-up, the surroundings in which you’ve been raised, the kind of company you keep and more so, the kind of shallow personality you possess.
The only message we’ve tried to convey through this post is that, “cursing was not and will never be cool! “

And on that note, this is the Soul Sisters signing off!

New posts every Friday! ( LOL, just kidding! We post whenever the hell we feel a little less lazy :P)

Keep Reading. Keep Smiling. J

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