Friday 3 January 2014

We are back and we are really sorry... And also we're going to disappear again... yeah so we are back! :D

Just when you thought we were dead or something, here we are with an all new post. :D
So yes, we eloped for quite a considerable time and we owe an apology & explanation for that.
But isn't it obvious? Class 12? Preboards?
It really, REALLY sucks man. :/
Writing is like, the love of our lives and you have no idea how sorry we have been for abandoning the blog like this.
But since we are here again lets shift our focus to better and positive things.
First of all A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to all our readers. :)
And as we said we're going to disappear yet again (boards aarrgghh! >_<) we're dedicating this last post to tips for the exam time and new year, resolutions you may call them, but resolutions are meant to be broken, and these are things we suggest you should really follow.
Go on, read on and enjoy :D

1. Even if I'm stressed/depressed at least I'm well dressed.
This one doesn't JUST preach the importance of looking good.
Okay it does, but just a tiny bit.
Doesn't it cheer your mood up if you're looking presentable/good?
Try it if you haven't yet. It does the trick.
The point here is not messing yourself up because of messed up emotions or a messed up situation you're stuck in. You really think looking like shit is going to help you after a break up or while you're busy studying? No my friend, it is only going to ruin things further.
Don't ever stop pampering yourself.
Never stop caring about yourself.
No matter how you feel. Get up, dress up, and never ever give up.
Yes but obviously don't waste the time you should be spending studying. :P

2. Stop freaking out on what others say! 
Yes just stop! Be it syllabus or anything else.
For instance, asking about others progress regarding exam preparations and then panicking or sometimes feeling good if you're ahead.
Most of them are lying, for what reasons is something beyond human understanding, and it is seriously NOT going to help you.
Or lets say telling the world about whats going on in your relationship and comparing. That's the worst thing you could do to yourself and your partner.
Share things with one or two of your close buddies and there too not every bit of it.
Communicate a bit more with your partner instead.
That's where you should be discussing about your relationship.
The gist of it is, start giving a little less thought to what others have to say and follow your own mind a bit more.

3. Confidence is the key!
Okay okay, we are not going to preach on and on about how self confidence is important.
Then maybe, yes we are going to do it just a bit.
Look,when we are made to face difficult situations in life ,situations which test our patience ,situations which are at times beyond our control, we lose our confidence, we stop believing in ourselves.
Even when people really close to us (mostly Parents) have full faith in us we ourselves start underestimating our capabilities.
If you don't believe in yourself, then nobody else will, trust us this is first hand experience we are offering you.
Always be confident, wear a smile no matter how wrecked up your life is, always keep your head up.
Worst case scenario, things will not turn out the way you'd like them to, you would come out of it all with all your dignity intact and probably a very important lesson learnt,a lesson only failures can teach you.

4. Life goes on.
Never cease to believe in yourself, don't ever give up on yourself, come what may.
This is basically the summary of all of the above.
Whatever it is that happens, whatever others say, you have somebody to look forward to/share things with or not, just remember that life goes on and don't ever forget the value of this life.
Surround yourself with positive people and things. Talk to somebody you can pour your heart to. Don't torture yourself with sad songs. Have loads of ice creams/ chocolates. Do whatever that makes you super happy and you're great to go.

We guess that's enough gyaan for now.
We hope this actually helps somebody.
See you in April now.
This is the Soul Sisters signing off!
Keep Reading, Keep Smiling. :)